What to Do When Your Car Key Gets Stuck in the Ignition

Imagine this scenario if you will. You are running late for an important meeting at work so you quickly pull into your parking spot fully expecting a quick exit from your car. There is only one problem. You notice that your key is very hard to pull out of the ignition. Even tugging on it with much force does not resolve the problem. So, what do you do next? Here are some solutions to this problem and some recommendations in case you can’t get your car key out of your ignition no matter what you try.

Start by Knowing What Not to Do in The Event of a Stuck Ignition Key

Perhaps the best place to start when you have a key stuck in your ignition is to alert you as to what you absolutely should not do in this case.

  • Don’t try pulling with excessive force

Ok, so you work out every day of the week and have the muscles to back that up. Even if that’s the case, don’t pop your trunk open and reach for a pair of needle nose pliers to resolve this situation. The reason for that is you may actually make matters even worse. What once was a simple task for a trained locksmith now becomes an entire ignition cylinder lock change out. 

  • Don’t try prying the stuck key out

A screwdriver is a handy tool in most situations but it should never be used to try and pry out a key that’s stuck in your ignition. That’s because once again it could cause damage to your ignition cylinder that cannot be undone. In that case, you will have to go to the expense of having a locksmith replace your ignition cylinder lock.  You also run the risk of breaking off the key in your ignition cylinder which will only add to your problems.

  • Don’t try lubricating the key slot

A stuck key may have been avoided if you had lubricated your key slot before it became stuck in the ignition. Once your key is stuck in the ignition, trying to lubricate the key slot will do you no good. So, don’t bother trying it. It will just make the key area of the ignition slicker and harder to work around.
Simple Reasons Your Auto Key May Not Come Out of Your Ignition Easy

Here are some common DIY fixes if your key is stuck in your ignition cylinder:

  • The car key is not turned to the off position

Car ignition locks are much fancier than they used to be. Nowadays they have chip key receivers and other measures built into to protect against theft. So certain things have to happen every time your ignition cylinder is used in order for it to work properly. One of them is it has to be in the off position in order to pull your key out. So, make sure your key is turned all of the way into the off position and then try pulling your key out again.

  • Your car transmission is not in park

Believe it or not, your car’s ignition cylinder is also tied into your transmission. That’s why you cannot start your car unless it’s in park. It’s another safety feature. If your car is not in park it also will not let you pull your key out of the ignition. This is designed that way on purpose. Auto manufacturers do this so it alerts you to the fact that your car is not fully placed in park and there is a danger of it rolling away if on an incline.

So, if you can’t get your key out of your ignition, then check your transmission position. Place it completely in park and then trying pulling your key out again.

  • Check your battery to see if it's dead

Some ignitions rely on constant battery power to work properly. If you can’t get your key out of your ignition then your make and model of car may be one of them. When this happens to you at your home, you can simply get a volt meter and quickly check your battery to see if it’s charged or not.  If you are away from home but the ignition with the stuck key still turns, you can check for battery power by turning the key to the on position and seeing if your dashboard indicator lights come on.

  • Try jiggling your steering wheel to get the ignition lock in the right position to get your key out easily

Here is a trick that many people use to free a stuck ignition. It works if you only have a slight mechanical misalignment problem with your ignition lock and your shifter is on your steering column. 
With your left-hand reach over the steering and grab the shifter. Now at the same time, with your right hand grab the top center of the steering wheel. Pull the shifter up with a little force and jiggle your steering wheel back and forth at the same time. With force still on the shifter with your left hand try pulling the key out with your right.

When it’s Time to Call a Lock Professional?

If you have tried everything above and your key s still stuck in the ignition, you are not going to have much choice but to call for locksmith help. Locksmith service providers such as West Allis Locksmith out of West Allis, Wisconsin usually specialize in such things as stuck key removal. 

If the auto key is stuck in your car’s ignition because the cylinder lock itself has failed, a locksmith can help you here too. Most auto locksmith services carry replacement ignition cylinders right on their service vehicles. They are also very good at changing these ignition locks out on a prompt and efficient manner.

So even though your key being stuck in the ignition cylinder can be a big problem, it’s one that most experienced locksmith services can resolve very easily for you.

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Email: service@westallislocksmith.com
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